966 total porn sites listed on April 25, 2024

Erotic Stories


Erotic Stories is the right place to read adult stories that will spark your imagination and lure you to call your partner for a quick intimate session. The stories are grouped in two main different categories, namely male gay and straight / lesbian stories. Some stories and some pics are free, but you have to sign in to publish your story or to choose the pay premium option to watch all the porn pics and porn videos galleries and other exlusive contents. In regards to the quality of the stories, the thrill and quality vary depending on the author and storyline. There is nothing much to talk about this site, since the website design is just poor. It is difficult tracing the stories and the interface is not very user-friendly. It is not appealing and it would be great if they added some graphics to draw in readers.

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3.5/5 - (2 votes)

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