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Pornhat.com/lesbian review

  • 79%
    # of Videos - 79%
  • 90%
    Updates - 90%
  • 95%
    Resolution & Streaming90 - 95%
  • 92%
    Navigation - 92%
  • 87%
    Extra features - 87%

Pornhat.com features a simplistic design and a well-populated video library. But for the lovers of the lesbian genre, Pornhat is definitely a place to frequent in. There are around 1000 videos, which may be considered as few by some of the industry standards, but no should actually judge the number of clips before watching any of them. To put it bluntly; those 1000 videos will be more than enough for you to jerk off all year round without ever watching the same clip. But the fun part is, you could, if you wanted, to jerk off to the same one for weeks. And that's the true value of pornhat.com/tags/lesbian section.

Users Rating

3.7/5 - (8 votes)

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