966 total porn sites listed on April 25, 2024



  • 98%
    # of Videos - 98%
  • 96%
    Updates - 96%
  • 96%
    Resolution & Streaming - 96%
  • 93%
    Navigation - 93%
  • 100%
    Extra features - 100%

Pornhub is, far as I can tell, in the top 3 most popular and well known free porn sites online to date. Possibly even in the top 3 for all porn sites, thanks in part to media attention over the years – there's no such thing as bad press. Pornhub does not charge and seemingly never will charge for the videos they provide – amazing given library size. They do get some videos from many premium sites, that you can enjoy free.

The site is great, with all the navigation and user features you might expect. You can even setup a free account, without any charges, and once confirmed, you too, can upload your own videos – if you enjoy this sort of thing, of course. I really think this is one area that their members and visitors enjoy most. Bottom line? Pornhub is a fantastic free porn site, and one of the best tubes online today.

Users Rating

3.8/5 - (74 votes)

Visit: PornHub

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