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PornTube /ebony

  • 89%
    # of Videos - 89%
  • 87%
    Updates - 87%
  • 90%
    Resolution & Streaming - 90%
  • 92%
    Navigation - 92%
  • 94%
    Extra features - 94%

If you like your porn to include ebony models, PornTube/Ebony is the place to go. As a part of a million plus vids porn site, PornTube/Ebony features not only the most beautiful ebony girls, but also handsome guys in action. Most of the content is of a high quality, site design is simple and elegant and browsing options do exactly what they are designed for- easy and fast navigation to find the right scene. If you prefer to search the name, content is also grouped based on this criteria, at PornTube/Ebony. Many HD clips, plenty of videos in general make up for no download option and occasional ads that are inevitable for free sites.

Users Rating

3.4/5 - (10 votes)

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