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XXY.su review

Most porn forum sites today are simple enough for anyone to use. However, most end up having a bland-looking interface, and this contributes to their small number of members. XXY, on the other hand, maintains the vintage forum layout but swaps it for a pink look. While the forums open in the same tab, attachments such as pictures and videos open in a new tab. XXY has a rating for each thread, so you will know where to get the juiciest topics. Each forum ranks the threads as important and normal threads, where the former is where the most action is happening. XXY has over 7,250 posts in 67 threads. You can also give feedback and suggestions to the forum moderators for better user experience. The more posts you have, you will get a rating from the other members, and you can reach the rank of ‘Posting Freak.’ By getting the membership, you could also get a chance to upload pictures and videos to any thread you like.

Users Rating

3.6/5 - (5 votes)

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