964 total porn sites listed on April 24, 2024


  • 99%
    # of Videos - 99%
  • 97%
    Resolution & Streaming - 97%
  • 94%
    Variety - 94%
  • 97%
    Navigation - 97%
  • 98%
    Extra features - 98%

FapCat is a new listing here for us and I can say, I am sorry it took so long, this site is really nice. It loads well and isn't crazy with so many ads that you cannot find some good fapping porn videos. I found that they update every single day and they have members that also upload, so you will not be running out of free porn videos anytime soon. When you first get here, you can see there are many places to go in that top navigation. There are places like Latest, Most Viewed, Categories, and so on, but right here I get to Models. A free porn tube site with a model database is unheard of as far as I have seen. They have more than 26,000 models listed as of this review.

Let us now get to those videos, that is what you are here for. I see that they have, as of this review, 274,905 free porn video clips, on one site. By the time I finish it, there will undoubtedly be a lot more than that. What I should mention now, to keep you on your path to look at this site is the way the videos open. They will open in a new window, but when this happens, the home window redirects to somewhere else. This can be resolved by simply clicking your back button on the home window.

All in all, I really like this site a lot, if absolutely nothing else, it is so easy to navigate and the videos are clear. I like the fact that you do have a say in these videos, so use it in their comments section below the video. But be kind, no one likes a dick, just use it for what it is meant to be, comments, not nastiness. When you are finished there, you can always come back to me and I can show you the rest of our free porn tube sites here at TopPornGuide.

Users Rating

3.6/5 - (24 votes)

Visit: FapCat

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